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Corporate Training for Professionals and Businesses at AACC

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AACC's Corporate Training Group provides the business community with results-driven training, leadership development and business support services. We've helped area businesses thrive, improving their performance and bottom line, for over 30 years. We know our business community — we live here!

Training and Professional Development

Leadership Development

  • Over 100 standard courses
  • Leadership development cohort programs
  • Targeted online leadership microlearning

Employee Training

  • Over 100 standard courses
  • On-the-job reinforcement
  • Job aids
  • Harassment in the workplace


  • Engagement coach training
  • Executive coaching
  • Management coaching
  • Mentoring

Advisement & Consulting

We work collaboratively with you beginning with our initial assessment. Our team works with yours to implement the solution that meets your needs and includes sustaining the behavior change by working with your managers to coach your employees in applying these new skills.

We listen closely to your needs and work collaboratively with you in developing the training solutions and services that provide the results to move your organization forward.

  • Needs analysis
  • Identifying performance gaps and unique needs
  • Performance and process improvement
  • Strategic planning
  • Talent management and succession planning

Content Development and Contextualization

Expect more performance from your training dollars.

Your business needs impactful training and business solutions that address your specific employee and business needs to produce bottom-line results. Our rapid-prototyping approach to development provides an agile framework to create a customized solution to your needs in less time.

Content can be created specifically to meet your most challenging business needs through a variety of modes:

  • Instructor-led
  • On-the-job training (OJT)
  • Web-based
  • Coaching
  • Blended


Standard or "off-the-shelf" training is a fast and affordable way to get a variety of training topics. However, many organizations struggle to take that standard information and apply it in a way that makes sense for their employees.

Contextualized training uses the content of standard courses and incorporates your business-specific information, allowing learners to really connect the proverbial dots between the general information and application to real-world situations in their workplace.

Call or email us today to join the growing number of businesses that have found success by partnering with Anne Arundel Community College.


Anne Arundel Community College’s partner, Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp. (AAEDC), currently has a matching workforce development grant program. The program is designed to help businesses grow and thrive in Anne Arundel County.

Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp. Workforce Training Grant

  • Matching grant program
  • Eligible uses include on-the-job training, classroom/offsite training, purchasing training software and train-the-trainer scenarios
  • Though designed primarily to train employees of companies that are expanding or plan to relocate to Anne Arundel County, AAEDC will consider other types of employee training for the program.
  • Can reimburse companies for training completed at AACC or other certified vendors
  • AAEDC will cover up to 50% of approved training costs.
  • Employer conducts and pays for training and submits all paperwork to AAEDC to get the 50% match reimbursed.
  • A limit of $1,000 per employee will be covered by AAEDC.
  • AAEDC must review and approve a workforce training plan before it is eligible for reimbursement.

In addition, if your organization uses AACC's Corporate Training Group to complete your workforce training, you could be eligible for an additional 10% total funding.

Ready to get started? Call Janis Siegal at 410-777-2297 to speak with a business development manager today!

What’s New

Corporate Training Group (CTG) at Anne Arundel Community College is excited to bring the most innovative training and development tools to your organization. Here are some highlights of new resources CTG is bringing this year:

Building Personal and Team Resilience

Length: Half day or Full day

Adverse events and circumstances cause disintegration of routines and habitual patterns. We need to seek out ways of reintegration, reinventing and renewing the routines and habitual patterns in our changed or evolving state because there’s no returning to ‘the way it used to be.’  If our new routines and patterns are not flexible, we are less resilient and adaptive and will have difficulty bouncing back.

  • Learn the four levels of resilience
  • Define and explore ways of improving resilience
  • Explore and discuss the S-curve to build resilience
  • Discuss self-leadership skills and explore ways to build on personal strengths

Conscious Pause

Length: Half day or Full day

Explore strategies for self-care and wellness. Personal wellness, taking time to consciously pause and develop strategies to ensure you are the most effective at what you do while maintaining personal wellness, have never been more critical. Explore research-driven strategies to building a healthier approach to your daily routine.

Crash Course in Retooling Your Workforce

Length: Half day or Full day

Help employees adapt to new processes, learn new skills and retool for the needs of your business. Today, COVID-19 has forced many workplaces to dramatically redesign their routines, requiring many people to learn new jobs or new ways of doing current jobs. Right now, we need excellent training. This training will introduce you to a simple technique to design and deliver effective training. The method, Training Within Industry, was originally created during World War II to help supervisors train millions of Americans to quickly learn to do a new factory job. It further aimed to build understanding of the “why” behind the process design, which enabled every employee to creatively improve their work. This training is a hands-on, learn-by-doing experience.

Digital Delegation: Getting Things Done Virtually

Length: Half day or Full day

Explore the common challenges of remote work, how to identify and address these challenges, and the idea of creating shared understanding. Maximize communication opportunities by providing clear intent and following a strategic process of: Task, Purpose, Method and End State.

Engagement Coaching (Now Virtual)

Length: Three, three-day courses

The Engagement Coaching Training program is now all online!  It is a coaching skills development program aligned to International Coach Federation (ICF) standards. The base program is comprised of three, three-day courses designed to train participants in the ICF core competencies, which leads to enhanced communication skills, more effective relationships and greater work/life fulfillment – skills which are invaluable in any environment. For participants interested in becoming a certified coach, this program fulfills the 60-hour, coach-specific training requirement for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) ACSTH pathway.

Equity vs. Equality – A Foundation of Inclusion

Length: Half day

Equity involves trying to understand and give people what they need to be successful at work. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the same things in order to be successful. Like equity, equality aims to promote fairness and justice, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same things. Learn to identify and address opportunity gaps as a first step to building a culture of inclusion.

Nonprofit Leadership Series

Length: four weeks, two hours each week (dates and times TBD)

2020 has placed unprecedented burdens and constraints on the nonprofit community in critical areas like fundraising, capacity-building, programming, leadership development and short-/long-term strategic planning.    Explore the following topics as stand-alone modules or take them as a series.

  • Leadership Under Pressure: Vision, Agility, Connection and Message
  • Program Excellence: Adapting and Creating Mission Impact
  • Rethinking Marketing and Fundraising for a New Era: Tools and Best Practices
  • The Next Normal: Creating a Resilient and Anti-Fragile Nonprofit

The Teleworker’s Guide to Results-Oriented Communication

Length: Half day or Full day

Explore how teleworking impacts the communications process. Participants will learn about using the Wheel of Awareness to communicate the whole picture and practice strategies to deploy these new skills. They will also learn how to avoid triangulation in a digital environment.

Unconscious Bias

Length: Half day

If you are human, you are bias. Foundations for first impressions come from our experiences in the world.  Understand how unconscious bias impacts our day-to-day lives and particularly our daily work lives. Recognize common types of biases: Performance Bias, Performance Attribution Bias, Competence/Likeability, Trade-off Bias and Maternal Bias. Learn ways to reduce the impact of bias in the workplace and leadership actions that build an inclusive work culture.

Let’s Talk about Race Series

Length: 1½ to 3 hours

A bias is a tendency, inclination or prejudice toward or against something or someone. Even people who are not deliberately prejudicial may have implicit biases. Let’s learn more about this and other types of bias and their real-world impacts

Being Antiracist
Length: 1½ to 3 hours

No one is born racist or antiracist; these result from the choices we make. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. These choices require ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection as we move through life. In the absence of making antiracist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of white supremacy, white-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society. Being racist or antiracist is not about who you are; it is about what you do.

Community Building
Length: 1½ to 3 hours

Community building is something we do together to share perspectives, create brave space and foster relationships. We are members of a community dedicated to ending racism. Let’s build a national community and grow your local one.

Historical Foundations of Race
Length: 1½ to 3 hours

American society developed the notion of race early in its formation to justify its new economic system of capitalism, which depended on the institution of forced labor, especially the enslavement of African peoples. To more accurately understand how race and its counterpart, racism, are woven into the very fabric of American society, we must explore the history of how race, white privilege and anti-blackness came to be.

Race and Racial Identity
Length: 1½ to 3 hours

The scientific consensus is that race has no biological basis – that we are all one race, the human race. Racialized identity, however, is very real. And, in a racialized society, everyone is assigned a racially identity whether you are aware of it or not. Let’s broaden our awareness.

Length: 1½ to 3 hours

Self-care is what we deliberately do to care for our mental, emotional and physical health.  Our well-being is critical to sustaining our work in dismantling racism. Let’s take care of ourselves – and each other.

Social Identities and Systems of Oppression
Length: 1½ to 3 hours

An oppressive system is built around the ideology that some groups are superior to others. These systems take on many forms, but they all have essentially the same structure. Let’s recognize our role within them.

Length: 1½ to 3 hours

Socially and politically constructed, whiteness is not simply referring to skin color but is an ideology that reinforces power at the expense of others and strengthens systems of oppression. Let’s dig deeper.

Continuous Learning for Your Business

Your employee and staff development is not just an event, it is a process, contextualized to your organization and your employees. Learning is not a moment in time, but a cycle of skillfully crafted trigger points of information and practice. We combine the science of learning and the art of delivery, customized to the unique needs of your organization.

Learn more about how we help you achieve continuous learning.

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