AACC works closely with Coppin State to offer graduates a seamless transfer process. Major in one of the programs listed below at AACC and get priority admission and direct transfer into Coppin State's corresponding major in junior standing. Or work with an AACC transfer advisor to customize your own academic program plan to successfully transfer.
Ready to develop your transfer plan? If you are a new student, apply to AACC to get started. Current students should speak with an AACC transfer advisor.
Coppin State University offers a variety of scholarships based on merit, academic achievement, area of study or other qualifying factors. Qualified AACC students are eligible for a one-time transfer scholarship award up to $2,000. You can learn more on the Coppin State University scholarships webpage.
Coppin State offers several academic programs. AACC and Coppin State have developed transfer agreements and select transfer guides to ensure that you transfer successfully. If your program or major is not listed, you can work with a transfer advisor at AACC to create a custom transfer plan.
The transfer agreements listed below assist students transferring from AACC to Coppin State to complete a bachelor's degree. The list is organized by AACC major. The select transfer guides help specify which AACC courses you should take if you're planning to transfer to Coppin State for one of the listed majors.
A.S. - Biology |
B.S. - Biology |
View |
A.S. - Chemistry |
B.S. - Chemistry |
View |
A.A.S. - Human Services |
B.S. - Social Work |
View |
A.A.S. - Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
B.S. - Criminal Justice |
View |
A.A. - Psychology |
B.S. - Applied Psychology (Psychological Services) |
View |
A.A. - Psychology |
B.S. - Applied Psychology (Substance Abuse) |
View |
A.A. - Transfer Studies |
B.S. - Political Science |
View |
A.A. - Transfer Studies |
B.S. - Sociology |
View |
Master Articulation Agreement
Coppin State University and Anne Arundel Community College
This Memorandum of Understanding (the "Agreement") is made this 1st day of December, 2019 ("the Effective Date") by and between the Coppin State University ("CSU"), a public university in Baltimore, Maryland and a member of the University System of Maryland, and Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC"), a community college in Arnold, Maryland, to provide an articulated transfer pathways where, after successful completion of AACC coursework, admissible AACC students will be able to seamlessly transfer to CSU and enter a program track to Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree.
I. Purpose of Agreement
The goal of this Agreement is to provide seamless transition from AACC's associate degrees to CSU's bachelor's degrees that offers AACC students incentives and structured transfer pathways for attaining a four-year baccalaureate degree from CSU. In addition, this Agreement contributes to Maryland Higher Education Commission's completion initiative by increasing associate degree attainment and providing momentum for baccalaureate completion. This Agreement sets expectations for the parties, administrators, faculty and staff at both institutions, and fosters a working relationship between the parties.
The Agreement affirms an initiative between AACC and CSU to provide transfer pathways for AACC students ( each, a "Transfer Pathway") to CSU in an effort to enhance and facilitate degree completion at the respective institutions and includes the responsibilities of each party regarding this Agreement and sets forth the Transfer Pathway(s) for students who choose to accept the opportunity.
Pursuant to this Agreement, each department, major, or track at either AACC or CSU desiring to establish a Transfer Pathway, shall enter into a separate addendum ( each, an "Addendum"), specifying the department, major, or track of AACC sending students to CSU, the department, major, or track of CSU awarding transfer credit, and other relevant information as is set forth in attached Addendum(s) (Exhibit A, B or C attached hereto) and made a part hereof ("Program Articulation Agreement Addendums to Memorandum of Understanding").
II. Agreement Review and Term
The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, commencing on the Effective Date (December 1, 2019) and ending on December 2, 2024, after which the Agreement may be renewed in writing signed by the parties for successive one (1) year periods.
The parties shall meet, at least annually, to review changes in curriculum, programs and credential requirements for the purpose of determining whether or if the Agreement should be amended.
Either party may terminate this Agreement or any one-year successive periods that may be entered into as aforementioned by providing the other party a written notice ninety (90) days prior to the intended termination date. During the termination notice period the parties may discuss continuation of a formal relationship. If the Agreement is terminated, CSU will honor transfer students from AACC who are in the process of transferring to CSU under the Transfer Pathways provided for under the terms of this Agreement. In addition, students in the program will be provided up to five academic years post-Agreement termination within which to complete the program.
III. Guaranteed Admission
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, CSU shall provide students graduating from AACC the opportunity to seamlessly transfer to CSU into any of the bachelor's degree programs offered by CSU that do not have special admissions requirements. CSU's Office of Undergraduate Admission will retain the final authority in all admission decisions. Current students and graduates of AACC are eligible for undergraduate application fee waivers of Fifty Dollars ($50.00).
IV. Admissions for Special Programs
Before an admissible AACC student can be considered for admission into any of CSU's special degree programs, such AACC student must meet the following requirements:
Nursing: 2.5 GPA or higher
Social Work: 2.5 GP A or higher
Early Childhood Education: 3.0 GPA or higher
Elementary Education: 3.0 GPA or higher
Special Education: 3.0 GPA or higher
V. Acceptance of Transfer Credits
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, CSU shall accept transfer of AACC credits up to a maximum of seventy (70) applicable semester credit hours. Addendums hereto includes articulated transfer pathways between AACC and CSU.
Per the Code of Maryland Regulations, students transferring to CSU with an associate's of arts (A.A.) or an associate's of science (A.S.) degree will satisfy lower-division general education course requirements of the CSU baccalaureate degree. Students transferring to CSU with an associate's of applied science (A.A.S.) degree may be required to take additional lower-division general education courses to satisfy CSU baccalaureate degree requirements. Institution-Specific requirements of CSU may be required.
VI. Academic Planning
To facilitate a seamless transition, AACC students will be advised that they should work closely with their academic advisor at AACC to develop a comprehensive academic plan as early in their academic career as possible and prior to transfer. Students and advisors are encouraged to utilize a variety of advising resources including the 4 Year Program Articulation Pathway ( accompanying this agreement), AACC Catalog, CSU Undergraduate Catalog, respective departmental websites, and ARTSYS (the USM online articulation database), to ascertain transferability of coursework.
VII. Academic Advising
Following admission to CSU, AACC students will have access to numerous advising tools including an Advising Profile, a Transfer Credit Report and a Degree Audit detailing prior coursework transferability and applicability to university, general, and major requirements.
Prior to matriculation to CSU, all new students (AACC transfer students) will be required to attend the mandatory new student orientation program. During orientation, students will meet with an academic advisor to review prior coursework, discuss academic interests and goals and register for the upcoming semester.
After orientation, students will be assigned an advisor in their area of study. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor periodically. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester prior to registering for each subsequent semester.
Students, in consultation with their academic advisor, will develop an individualized degree plan for completion of all general education, graduation and major requirements as outlined in the CSU Undergraduate Catalog. These requirements include a minimum of 120 credits, including meeting the requirements of awarding a bachelor's degree from Coppin States University.
VIII. Financial Aid and Transfer Scholarships
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is eligible for need-based aid. Students must indicate CSU' s school code of 002068 when submitting the F AFSA. All students are encouraged to submit the F AFSA in accord with deadlines set by federal government and institution.
Students transferring from AACC to CSU who meet the transfer admissions priority deadline as well as academic requirements applicable to all students, may be eligible for the following scholarship offered by CSU:
AACC students transferring into CSU' s baccalaureate program are eligible for a transfer scholarship award up to $2,000, which is not renewable. CSU's transfer scholarship awards and amounts are subject to change at any time. CSU transfer scholarships shall be promoted on both CSU and AACC web sites. AACC students are also encouraged to apply for other CSU scholarship opportunities as they become available.
IX. Honors Program
CSU will accept AACC honors graduates or transfer students into its Honors Program during the fall semester provided that each student has earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher or the combined equivalent from all previous collegiate institutions. The number of students accepted each fall will be driven by the Program's scholarship budget. Budget permitting, the Honors Program will welcome applications from AACC graduates or transfer students for the spring semester.
Each student admitted to the CSU Honors Program may apply credit of up to two (2) honors courses from AACC to the requirements for the Honors Program curriculum provided the courses were designated as honors, carried at least three credits, and were passed with a 3.0 (B average) or above on a 4.0 grading scale. AACC honors students accepted into the Honors Program shall complete the remaining required Honors Program coursework as a full-time CSU student.
X. Reverse Transfer
CSU will encourage students to complete their associate's degree at AACC. CSU will honor/promote reverse transfer to former AACC students who have transferred to CSU without completing an associate's degree. Interested students must sign a FERPA1 waiver to allow CSU and AACC advisors to exchange student academic records to implement dual advising and promote reverse transfer opportunities. CSU will annually conduct outreach to current CSU students that have: completed forty-five (45) resident credits at CSU; transferred at least fifteen (15) credits from AACC; and did not complete an associate' s degree from AACC. With a properly executed FERPA release by each AACC students reverse transfer data will be shared yearly amongst administrators.
1The parties will comply with all provisions of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") in all disclosures of FERPA protected information between AACC and CSU. For example, the parties may be able to share personally identifiable information from a student's record for purposes related to a student's enrollment or transfer, per 34 C.F.R §§ 99.31 (a)(2) and 99.34. In addition, pursuant to 34 C.F.R § 99.31 (a)(G)(i), the parties may share with each other personally identifiable information from students' educational records without consent for the sole purpose of conducting studies to develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; administer student aid programs; or improve instruction. Also consistent with FERPA, the parties shall use reasonable methods to ensure that they provide only those education records that are necessary to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement may be construed to allow the parties to maintain, use, disclose, or share student record information in a manner not allowed under Federal law or regulation.
XII. Publicity and Promotion
During the term of this Agreement and successive agreement as aforementioned, CSU and AACC shall develop and agree upon a mutually acceptable marketing and student recruitment plan to promote this Agreement and transfer pathways to inform students of the opportunities available. Any and all marketing, promotional or publication materials developed by one party must be reviewed and approved in writing by the other party prior to use of any such materials. AACC agrees to promote transfer pathways to AACC students by allowing CSU to place marketing materials in student service centered departments on campus and on the AACC Transfer Agreements website.
Upon the request of CSU, AACC agrees to send outreach mailings to AACC students biannually (fall and spring) on behalf of CSU to current AACC students with 45 credits or more that are in articulated or parallel programs with CSU (e.g., associate's in Psychology to bachelor's in Psychology). CSU will incur all cost for outreach mailings.
XIII. Program Administrators
The parties designate the following individuals to serve as administrators under this Agreement:
AACC Program Administrator
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation & Career Alignment
CSU Program Administrator
Nicole Lee
Transfer Course Coordinator
XIV. Amendments
This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties.
XV. Non-Waiver
The failure of either party to insist, in any one or more instances, on the performance of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, or to exercise any of its rights, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such term, covenant, condition or right with respect to
further performance.
XVI. Severability
Each provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a separate, severable and independently enforceable provision. The invalidity or breach of any provisions shall not cause the invalidity or breach of the remaining provisions hereof.
XVII. Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and each counterpart shall be deemed an original.
XVIII. Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland. Any legal proceedings brought pursuant to this Agreement shall be brought only in the state courts of Maryland.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby evidence their agreement to the above terms and conditions by having caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered on the day and year indicated above.
Dr. Mickey L. Bumim
Interim President President
Coppin State University
Dr. Leontye L. Lewis
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Coppin State University
Dr. Dawn Lindsay
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Michael Gavin
Vice President of Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Exhibit A - Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum supplement is incorporated and becomes part of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into by Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) and Coppin State University (CSU) on the 1st day of December, 2019 (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement or successive agreement as aforementioned. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of CSU.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
Email: mwright22@yueziqi.com
If to CSU:
Coppin State University
2500 West North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Attn: Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dept: College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Phone: 410-951-2666
Email: bobryant@coppin.edu
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of CSU selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or CSU, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
Karen Cook, Esq.
Dean, School of Business and Law
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Coppin State University
Exhibit B - Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum supplement is incorporated and becomes part of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into by Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) and Coppin State University (CSU) on the 1st day of December, 2019 (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement or successive agreement as aforementioned. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Political Science Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of CSU.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
Email: mwright22@yueziqi.com
If to CSU:
Coppin State University
2500 West North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Attn: Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dept: College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Phone: 410-951-2666
Email: bobryant@coppin.edu
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of CSU selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or CSU, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
Dr. Philip Terry-Smith
Assistant Dean
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Coppin State University
Exhibit C - Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum supplement is incorporated and becomes part of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into by Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) and Coppin State University (CSU) on the 1st day of December, 2019 (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement or successive agreement as aforementioned. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Sociology Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of CSU.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
Email: mwright22@yueziqi.com
If to CSU:
Coppin State University
2500 West North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Attn: Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dept: College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Phone: 410-951-2666
Email: bobryant@coppin.edu
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of CSU selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or CSU, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
Dr. Philip Terry-Smith
Assistant Dean
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Coppin State University
Exhibit D – Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum to Master Articulation Agreement between Coppin State University (CSU) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC), entered into on the 1st day of December, 2019 (the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement or successive agreement as aforementioned. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Social Work Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of CSU.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
Email: mwright22@yueziqi.com
If to CSU:
Coppin State University
2500 West North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Attn: Dean, Dr. Beverly J. O’Bryant
Dept: College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Phone: 410-951-2666
Email: bobryant@coppin.edu
All notices shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to who it was addressed or three (3) business days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of CSU selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or CSU, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
This Addendum may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, will be deemed an original, and all of which will constitute one and the same agreement. This Addendum may be executed electronically. If signing electronically, the signatory for each party acknowledges and agrees that by physically signing and returning the signed Addendum electronically or applying an electronic signature, the signatory for each party consents to signing this Addendum electronically with an intent to be bound by its terms. The signatory for each party agrees that the electronic signature appearing on this Addendum is the same as a handwritten signature for purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility. The signatory for each party understands that if the signatory does not wish to sign electronically, the signatory may print and sign this Addendum and return it to the other party. A copy of the Addendum will be sent to the other party after execution.
Dr. Tiffin Bumpass
Assistant Dean, Health & Wellness
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Beverly J. O’Bryant
Dean, Behavioral & Social Sciences
Coppin State University
Exhibit E - Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum to Master Articulation Agreement between Coppin State University (CSU) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC), entered into on the 1st day of December, 2019 (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement or successive agreement as aforementioned. In the event that the agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Psychological Services) Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of CSU.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
Email: mwright22@yueziqi.com
If to CSU:
Coppin State University
2500 West North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Attn: Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dept: College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Phone: 410-951-2666
Email: bobryant@coppin.edu
All notices shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to who it was addressed or three (3) business days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of CSU selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or CSU, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
This Addendum may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, will be deemed an original, and all of which will constitute one and the same agreement. This Addendum may be executed electronically. If signing electronically, the signatory for each party acknowledges and agrees that by physically signing and returning the signed Addendum electronically or applying an electronic signature, the signatory for each party consents to signing this Addendum electronically with an intent to be bound by its terms. The signatory for each party agrees that the electronic signature appearing on this Addendum is the same as a handwritten signature for purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility. The signatory for each party understands that if the signatory does not wish to sign electronically, the signatory may print and sign this Addendum and return it to the other party. A copy of the Addendum will be sent to the other party after execution.
Dr. Philip Terry-Smith
Assistant Dean
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Coppin State University
Exhibit F - Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum to Master Articulation Agreement between Coppin State University (CSU) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC), entered into on the 1st day of December, 2019 (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement or successive agreement as aforementioned. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Substance Abuse Services) Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of CSU.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
Email: mwright22@yueziqi.com
If to CSU:
Coppin State University
2500 West North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Attn: Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dept: College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Phone: 410-951-2666
Email: bobryant@coppin.edu
All notices shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to who it was addressed or three (3) business days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of CSU selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or CSU, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
This Addendum may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, will be deemed an original, and all of which will constitute one and the same agreement. This Addendum may be executed electronically. If signing electronically, the signatory for each party acknowledges and agrees that by physically signing and returning the signed Addendum electronically or applying an electronic signature, the signatory for each party consents to signing this Addendum electronically with an intent to be bound by its terms. The signatory for each party agrees that the electronic signature appearing on this Addendum is the same as a handwritten signature for purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility. The signatory for each party understands that if the signatory does not wish to sign electronically, the signatory may print and sign this Addendum and return it to the other party. A copy of the Addendum will be sent to the other party after execution.
Dr. Philip Terry-Smith
Assistant Dean
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Beverly J. O'Bryant
Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Coppin State University